[M] Mission: Seek, Capture, Destroy


TROLOLO. Okay, I figure I will play Darijus in this thread, and Yorick in the interrogation...? Doesn't really matter, I could switch between perspectives, I would assume. x_x I figure Eris can show up later in the thread and command that, since Yorick is so injured, he would be of no use to nurse back to health, so Basti can find what he knows and then kill him without issue. :3 Dari can be taken as a slave.


Yorick was the first to break and run, but Darijus was not far behind him. The big Steppe wolf was not even sure why he was running, but he thought that since Yorick went, he might as well, too. Yorick was a good deal smarter than he was -- Darijus was not so blind and stupid that he did not recognize intelligence greater than his own, when it reared his head -- and unlike many who were smarter than he was, Yori had shown no cruelty to the pale brown wolf. And so, Darijus followed, his paws pounding against the ground as he chased after his smaller, darker counterpart.

“Did we do something wrong?” he panted, between breaths, as he managed to catch up. They were slowing; apparently, with some distance between themselves and that stranger wolf, Yorick felt it was fine to pause a moment and regain their wits. The smaller wolf shook his head in a sullen and mute way, though his pearly white teeth were shown in half a snarl. Then Yorick froze, his big green eyes on the field. Darijus turned his head, and was as surprised as his companion -- the strange wolf had given chase! Without a word, both wolves turned and ran toward the north, setting a blistering pace toward what they thought would be the safety of the mountain's shadow.

Suddenly and without warning, Yorick fell, a high-pitched shriek-yelp of pain echoing from his muzzle as he stumbled, crumbling on the ground in a whining and whimpering heap. The darker wolf lifted his dusty and dirty head and hissed at Darijus, who had stopped dead in his tracks, oafish gaping maw turned on his companion in astonishment. “Go!” Yorick snapped, lifting his lamed leg for Darijus to see, though his movement was little more than a twitch. Dari did not need his partner to lift his foot for him to see the damage; the limb twisted at an awkward and impossible angle, the paw dangling uselessly.

“No,” Darijus said, his booming voice sounding firm. “I'll fight to defend you,” he said, and from the stupid determination in his face, Yorick saw he would not run. “Fool, that was an entire pack back there. The rest will be on us in a moment,” the swarthy wolf grumbled beneath his breath, though he did not command Darijus away again. The younger would stay and fight, and he would die, ripped to shreds by this same pack as Yorick would be.


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