On the search pt 3
OOC: My apologies for late reply Sad

Niro had not taken her words about her sister not wanting to be found the way she had, in fact, he was slightly distraught that it never occurred to him that Farore had thought Orin would be hiding from him. It would have never occurred to him ever to think his sister was ever hiding from him. He had done nothing but protect her, and that was usually the reason why she came to him and he would gladly defend her in just about any situation. The subject change got his mind entirely off Orin's situation all together.

"Ah wine would be nice, and I think I know of someone who could put herbs to use maybe even seeds if you have any extra"

He said smiling. He'd had a taste of wine before and he liked it very much, though he knew he was trading for the whole pack with the things he made, so it wouldn't be just for him. Her next words made him frown but only for moments as she said she could speak for her sister. He picked up the cage that held a pigeon in it.

"Well I am a bird trainer for the most part, and I have been working on messaging birds. They can carry messages between packs. I'm still new at it, but if we can get this to work it would be less hassle to get urgent messages between packs. The way it works is usually pretty simple, one bird for each pack. Their minds are simple so we cannot just tell them which way to go. I hope to find more.... mindful birds, but for now I have been working with pigeons.

He was nervous now, not sure if he spoke right, and that she understood entirely of what he was saying, and hoped she did, but he would surely answer any questions the woman had for him.

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