Meeting with a blacksmith
There was a large pounding of hooves echoing off the trees as the borders became aware to the black and gray stained wolf. His horse Brute was a massive white stallion speckled with brown spots that seemed like mud splattered into him. His hooves were covered in thick strings of white fur. Inrik was accustomed to riding the horse with great speed it was one of the few joys he allowed himself. He halted the horse just at the edge and howled a greeting hoping someone would hear.

He had decided earlier in the day that he would take some time from his work to spread the word of his arrival. In order for his work to continue and his belly to be filled he needed customers. He jumped off the stallion and swept his long dark wavy hair to his back. His arms covered in long golden bands rested above his hands that he placed upon his hips. A good first impression to any customer was always good but he felt the closer his hands to his gold and silver hilted daggers at his waist was just as important if the wrong person decided to approach him. He patted his horse and untied the large pack secured to the creature. He returned his hands to his hips wondering just what person would approach him first. He didn’t much like to socialize but he was taught the power of sales and good manners so he would be prepared to show this pack a few examples of his work.

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