Meeting with a blacksmith
The black haired wolf looked over to the male in the distance kind of annoyed by the fact that he seemed to be nervous. He had hoped this would be easy and quick but now he would have to build trust. It wasn’t his best attribute but he still managed to scrape by in that sense. He grabbed the heavy sack from the back of his tall horse Brute with great ease. His annoyance was apparent when he approached the male but as he got closer he shifted into his sales mode. He straightened his shoulders as best he could as he lugged the heavy sack. He held out his free hand and forced a smile on his face as best he could. It almost looked like a snarl but by his body language one could tell his intention. Good Day, I am Inrik Stone. I have travelled to your borders in a hope to announce that I am a blacksmith in search of customers.

Inrik kneeled and opened the sack. His voice was a monotone of forced contentment. I supply various items all designed to the desires of my patron. He removes copper pots and pans, daggers, a shield, a sheathed short sword, an small working axe and even a few decorative items such as vases and sculptures. As you may see my wares are wide in variety and this is just the smallest pile of my items. Each decorated with my personal designs but I can customize. My prized pieces are my sets of armour that are unfortunately too large to carry upon my horse Brute. He motions to the large Shire with brown specks along his legs and rump. If you or any of your pack mates are in need of metallic items I urge you to visit my shop on the Western edge of the old city. My shop will be open to visitors at any hour they so choose to visit. Inrik felt drained as he usually did after his speech. He stood and looked up at the regal male wondering if his task was successful.

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