Am I still waiting, [aw]

Good, because I wanted a Val thread! 8D
Word Count→326

Hybrid immediately blanched at his daughter’s enthusiasm as she greeted him with a smile and a greeting. He didn’t like it. He didn’t like how strange she sounded when she talked and she didn’t like this Hexter-owl, either. He supposed it might be a good idea (he wasn’t sure for what, though) to have a pet, but it was massive and strange. Hybrid took comfort in familiarity and even the return of his only daughter didn’t help. Though, if he thought about it, it was her absence that was more familiar. They rarely talked even though she had been a member of Inferni for most of her life. He never knew what to say to her or what to do. When he told her he didn’t like something, he always knew she’d get all flustery and upset so he didn’t like talking with her, period.

Hybrid frowned in concentration as he tried to follow Valkyrie’s story, but found himself annoyed when she didn’t bother to pronounce all her words. Was she speaking or chirping like that bird on her shoulder? She’d have to decide, since this was a horrid mashup of the two. Every sentence ended with a question, ya know? And it was wretchedly annoying.

“No, I don’t know,” Hybrid grunted. The owl cooed and Hybrid grimaced in return. When the owl cocked its head to one side, Hybrid continued staring, but did not cock his head or smile in return.

And what the hell was a rouge? What was she even talking about? He wasn’t even sure if he wanted to know. Of course, Valkyrie interjected with yet another comment – no, a question – and Hybrid had to grimace again.

“Patrolling,” he replied flatly. “No wars, so I patrol.” It was what he’d done for as long as she could probably remember, save for the wars with Dahlia. “As always.” His life was a regimented routine and it was exactly the way he liked it.


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