there's a drumming noise inside my head

Naturally, in the father's eyes, to be reunited with his eldest daughter was greater than finding his old acoustic guitar any number of thousands of times; though the coyote had been particularly absent from his daughters' and son's lives, it was never with true purpose. Razekiel wished nothing more than to remain united with them indefinitely, but the male had always doubted they would take him back. Something — he was not sure what — told him that at least one of his child was wary of Storm Lily's fate and Razekiel's relation to it, though the coyote never allowed himself to dwindle on the thought. The brief moments he had seen each of his daughters, they had each been reformed of sorts; peace-loving individuals like himself, who seemed to have forgotten what might have taken place back in Juniper, or perhaps released Razekiel of any consequent crime. He thanked the Mother and the stars — surely the kids would have understood had Razekiel needed to explain what happened that night, surely they would, but the male much preferred not having to mention a thing.

She rushed into his arms, and gratefully the father held her close, heart swelling with pride and joy and pounding within his chest as if it might burst from sheer excitement. "I'm sorry, princess," he gurgled, burying his face in her hair, in her neck, breathing in the girl as if to concrete in his mind she was really there, that she had absolved him of anything he could have committed, that she still loved him and really had feared his disappearance or death.

"No, man, I've been up, down, all around, man, ahahaha," the male chuckled, squeezing her tight and lifting her to spin them both around in ecstasy. "The mountains, the plains, the valleys, man, I even lived with the French! Parlays-vux fran-sis, mah chair? Oh, my little buttercup, you should have seen it! To think, if you had just been with me! It is my fault, man, my bad!" He squeezed her tighter, and after a moment released her with his hands at her shoulders, looking her up and down as if to make sure she was still in one piece, to make sure she was not the illusion he was fearing her to be.

She leaned up against him a moment later, and with a smile his embrace returned to her calmly. "I am long from dead, man; I'm up and groovin' like you've never seen, buttercup. You have been chillin' with your sisters then, yeah? Inferni? You're all up in the 'Ferni reek, little girl, it's crazy!" A burst of laughter, hearty enough to shake her as he held her close. "You've been cherry, yeah? Healthy? Takin' care of yourself, yeah?"

image © beautyredefined @ Twitter ; table by lin
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