[M] The Last Supper - OPEN POSTING

Lmao, Denver is kinda out of place. xD Lemme know if this makes sense, timeline-wise and such... >> Ugh, rambly posts tonight, sorry. :| WC: 715

It had been weeks since that first meeting with Eris, but it hadn't seemed like much time at all. Denver had been entranced, enthralled, and intrigued by it all. The mysticism drew him in, captivated him. He was awestruck. Here, he felt that royal presence he had so longed for. The people here were powerful, he knew it-- in every way he desired.

They were ritualistic. Denver had grown up with quite a lack of specific religious or spiritual education, and these practices were quite foreign to him. Some family friends from his early years had worshiped a god, but he failed to remember who. To him, religion was either a crutch, or a means of control, depending on which side you fell to. It was something that he had mostly avoided learning about; partly out of laziness, but also out of disinterest. He wanted nothing to do with something that would remind him of the past. The Salsola religion, though, was different.

It was sacrificial, spiritual, and secretive, all in strange ways. He'd watched Eris; she was a mystery to him, still. She was closer to a divine being than anything else he'd seen. Denver had still not met their King, and was curious to see what sort of a person was fit to rule such an enchanting, mysterious kingdom.

Just then, as he came to a halt in the half-shaded light of the moon, the call went up. Ears perked up, though only one stood erect. Denver turned, trying to get his bearings; he still had no idea how to navigate this bewitched, desolate ground.

Back in the so-called dog kingdom, he had been displeased by the lack out outward company. Here, he knew that really, they were everywhere. Masters of stealth and disguise, they were, and he felt overwhelmed, but strongly desired to know more. He'd taken notice of their slaves with curious, heavy interst; maybe this was something he could get used to, perhaps even enjoy. His own personal slave might do him well.

The ivory mutt finally made his way through the ruins, stepping carefully over the many vines and thorns that lay across nearly everything. Surely, this place had been a castle. It was not the sort of grandiose mansion he'd always dreamed of, but you could tell it had been, once. And that was good enough for Denver, for now. It's rooms were large, half-demolished buildings, overgrown with thistle and weeds. To some, it may have been ugly, but Denver often cared naught to take interest in the foliage. As he moved through the vague hallways, though, entranced by the scent of cooking meet, the scene began to grow on him. Denver did not let his curiosity get the best of him, though, still taking great care to repel dirt from his tailored clothing. It was only a matter of time, though, before his clothing would become ripped by the thorns, and he would be tossed into a fit of rage.

Ice blue eyes set straight ahead as he entered the room, his short-statured body postured high and proud, but with tail low and ears back; he was intimiated, unsure, and instinctively respectful, however slight. Denver quietly surveyed the room; six were gathered. His eyes found Eris quickly, but she was surrounded by others. A pale, yellow-faced woman with eyes of fresh blood sat to one side of the dark goddess; on the other, a man who the cream-colored dog could only assume to be the King; the one they called the Boss. Sirius was his name, and Denver appraised him with hungry eyes, finding an unoccupied space at the makeshift table. He left space on either side of him, not feeling comfortable enough to get close to any of these strangers. Each of them possessed a powerful presence that he could sense. He wondered if he was capable of projecting such a thing; perhaps he did already.

Pale eyes swung around the room, taking abrupt notice to the ram standing there. It looked strange, to him; brighter and cleaner than the normal dirty animal he was used to. Brows furrowed as he stared at the thing, wondering who would have troubled to clean the beast-- wasn't it going to die anyways?

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