untouched and intact
Set in the Dampwoods.

The weather was growing hotter and he knew that soon enough summer would be upon them. He had woken that morning to find a thin mist just upon the shore of the water and there hung a curtain of humidity. As the day continued onward, however, it had soon vanished and that water looked rather beckoning. Soon enough, Jenkai would spend many hours of the day in the water’s comfort, but it hadn’t grown quite that hot just yet. The days were mostly clear and he had set his mind on getting things accomplished.

Off in the distant, grey clouds were moving in. He knew that it most likely meant that more rain would be falling this afternoon, but he still had an hour or so to get things done. He set out with his leather bag swung over his shoulder in hopes of doing some surveying of the grounds. He had heard word of wolf packs being established as well as a coyote clan that seemed to be rather hostile. He had claimed his home along Chebicto Peninsula over a year ago and wondered if may become threatened. He figured by assessing the situation now, he could prepare for any sort of disaster which might occur later.


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