In The End

The Lehrer knew of her plans, knew of the things that she had been plotting with the Lykoi man. Gideon was not one to often admit to feelings of jealousy or ineptitude, but he did not care for the amount of time that she had been spending planning things out with the male. Yes, starting a pack was difficult and there was much to think about and talk about...but enough was enough. He had yet to receive his answer from her, if he would ever get one, and hadn't spent any time with the leader since he had halfway admitted his feelings for her. Since then he'd been easily irritable and quick to snap at anyone who tried to talk to him about the black and white beauty.

He listened to her tell the rest of the pack of her plans to merge with the members of Phoenix Valley and form a new pack in the North. Turquoise eyes drifted to her hand, which laid upon the one of the Lykoi. He had heard it all before, so he barely listened as she said the rest of her piece. Gideon had already decided that he and his children would be joining her wherever she went. The idea for the merge was appealing and he wanted to live in a place that was safe and free of danger. Nayru finished speaking and he stepped forward with Melee, looking at the pair. "My children and I will be joining you. I know no other home other than with you, Nayru, and there is no other leader that I would choose."

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