Maxia Negra

She hadn’t realized that she had been working so close to another luperci. Naniko was normally quite quiet when she worked, though, so it made sense that they might not have heard each other until now. She was pulling the unwanted head from the rabbit, most of its blood drained out already and in vials that she had placed into the small pouch on her weapons-belt. She tossed the head aside and prepared to begin her meal as she heard another sound, light crunching sounds and then a voice.

Naniko remembered the male that came into view from the time that he had joined. She allowed a small smile to appear on her muzzle, remembering that day. He had seemed quite shy then…had he opened up since? ”Kase. I do remember you. I’m glad to see that you’re still around…many members come and go. This rain is terrible…we should find somewhere else to talk.” She suggested, using the hand that she held the headless rabbit in to point to a large pine tree nearby.

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