the baffled king composing

Dutifully and without fail Pripyat Soul would always come to the call of the Patriarch. The response was automatic as his feet found ground and then found motion, rolling over from his side and standing up after an impromptu nap. Already he was moving towards the call when his brain caught up with his body and began to wonder what Jefferson was calling them for. There was no clear reason Pripyat could think of, and so his thoughts drifted to the subject they spent the most time on lately: Arye. For as much time as the two had begun to spend together, they were not together now and Pripyat grew excited at the prospect of running into her at the meeting. Even with most of his days and nights filled with the cream colored lady, the idea of seeing her made the boy flush with anticipation.

When the boy arrived his ocean eyes scanned over the crowd. The recognizable faces of Phoenix Valley greeted him and Pripyat was pleased at the familiarity of the members. He had grown up with them and even if he still was a hermit most of the time he was glad to be one of them. The dopey smile that had long been absent from his face in most meetings graced it now as he settled himself among them. Almost Pripyat felt this meeting could have a festive air to it, if not for the strangers lurking behind his grumpy looking father.

When the man spoke, as short as his speech was, Pripyat grew cold, blue eyes trying to catch emerald eyes in disbelief. His father, the one pillar left, was leaving them? The words of the weird hippy that had been clinging to his dad's side were fuzzy and unimportant as the reality of the situation hit Pripyat like a ton of bricks. Barely did he hear any of the promises Razekiel gave them, peace love and freedom, it was not that which made up Pripyat's mind. As Jace and Temo voice their consent Pripat grew less cold, warmed that they wished to stay together. Then Ookami and his eyes sought for Adonia. Of course Adonia would go, wouldn't she? And Noah? And Pendzez? And Ayre? Surely Arye would go…. Pripyat looked about to the familiar faces of those still not confirmed, and boldy he spoke, hoping to give courage to those perhaps still unsure of the idea. "I will go too."


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