X-Mas in July!
Character Name: Giselle Fantasia
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: Almost 1 year old
Example Pictures: Just look through her profile. Character Description: Fur is a pure white, with hints of cream on the tips of her ears and tail. In Optime form, the cream coloration goes from her hands up to her elbows, and from her feet to her calves. Eyes are a soft powder blue, which always look happy. She always wears a dress of some sort, and almost always has her hair up.
Jewelry or Tattoos: Has a silver princess necklace her father gave her when she was younger.
Text: None
Picture you would like used: Any! Surprise me!
Other: Nope, have fun with it~!

Table Size Preference: 450px max will do :3
Color Scheme: And bright and soft colors! Yellows, pinks, blues, whites, greens.. go nuts. Just no dark colors.
Mood: SPARKLES AND FAERIES. And Disney. And happy and cheery and things that will make you taste the rainbow. Srsly, make it over the top cheerful if you want.
Lyrics: Up to you! If you want to put lyrics, I'd probably prefer some lines from a Disney song.. XD
Picture you would like used: Anything with a happy mood works. Apple trees, balloons, castles, animals/flowers, fireflies..
Other: N/A

Text or Image?: Text
Lyrics/Words: Her first name will work. I don't have anything in mind for lyrics, but if you find a line or two that fits then go nuts.
Picture you would like used: N/A
Other: N/A

Best Way to Contact you: PMs (to this account) would be best. But I'm also on AIM and MSN all the time.[/html]

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