oh mama please help me won't you hold my hand

yay for plotty!

http://avatars.ourdarkarts.net/souls/others/deu_top.jpg) no-repeat; width: 400px; height: 191px; border: 2px solid black;"> 

She tried not to wander, because the boys would follow. All of them. But today it seemed as if one of her pups had decided to wander off in search of his older adopted brother. Jazper was out and about. And Taliesin had followed. The mother was frantic. She'd searched every inch of the den she shared with the five boys and her mate. Apollo, Sirus, and Noah all whined and looked at her anxiously as she searched. Finally she scooped them up and set them down in the enclosere she'd made to keep them from wandering. A playpen of sorts.

She began walking around the den in slowly widening circles. How far could the boy had gotten? What if a coyote had found him? That thought made the white mother's panic flare brightly. Taliesin! Come here! her voice was sharp with panic, raw and frightened. She'd lost Shadow to a coyote. She would die if she lost another child to one. She howled, an urgent summons to her child. The blue eyed boy had to be here somewhere. Her call would surely bring him running.

She fidgeted, then began searching. She hadn't picked up his scent yet. How long ago had the boy wandered? It had to of been hours ago. how could she have NOT noticed her child wandering away? Was she that horrible of a mother? Her current track record for children would suggest so. Dierdre- missing. Shadow and Killane- dead. It was these four and her newest adopted child, Jazper that might prove otherwise, but not if she lost this pup.


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