On The Hunt
Shawchert was happy the man agreed to it. He did need to release some pent up energy and what better way than to hunt large game? Galileo asked him to lead the way, and shawchert nodded. Well the man would have to learn how to track deer if it were to be his co rank, but the large brute wasn't going to say this. He had seen the deer earlier in his patrols that morning after all.

Nice to meet you I'm Shawchert Menue.

He said, and that was it as he wanted to be as quiet as possible. He trotted deeper into the forest where he knew the deer were and soon found them chewing away at leaves and sparse grass and moss. There were six doe, but Shaw knew they only needed one. Looking over at Galileo he motioned for the man to pick one. He would have to stay low, if things went right the other man would run one too him. Shaw was not a fast creature so he couldn't take one down by himself. And chasing after one... well he'd have troubles steering the animal around. Team work was the best way to go and it Galileo used his spead and stamina, and Shaw, his strength, the both of them could easily take this deer down

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