Joining [P]

WC:456+ - Anon is attempting to join the pack.. Lets see how this goes..

A breath heaved as Anon finished making another round around the territory she had been spying on for awhile. She stayed back, keeping herself unnoticed for about a moon now. She had watched members come and go, almost making her way to them and backing down just as fast. She didn't need them. Or so she thought anyway. The breeze that caught her coat made her close her eyes with it. It felt like someone had poured cold water onto her pelt, although it was hotter then it had been, out. Just out of sight, Anon hunkered down, waiting, watching as wolves filtered in and out of the caves to their territory. Her broad head went down on her paws and she peaked up, only when need to make sure she was hidden.

The sun came and went as she waited for things to settle into the evening. Dark was her best ally right now and she needed all the help she could get. You fool! Walking up to a wolf pack like it is nothing. She pushed her secondary comment aside, as if it was someone standing beside her, complaining. Often she had thoughts like that, treating them as if she was not alone. Alone. Her enemy, yet all she really knew. Another shake of the head and snort and she was on her feet, stalking close to the ground. She just need to reach the border and wait, but with every step her heartbeat quickened. Her breath wanted to come in pants now as she worried herself over who would meet her at the border. Who would lay eyes on her first. Would they be accepting? Or downright against her being? Did she want to risk that? Yes, she had to risk it. She did need them. Her hunting was getting worse and fewer times would she actually catch something. It was starting to show now, her bones poking out at her rib-cage. She let a hiss escape off her tongue at the remembrance of the last failed hunt. The hare just barely got away. She scowled at the thought and pushed that away, as well. Reaching the border of the to-be-named pack, Anon waited, her tail twitching. She tried to hide any sign of fear though, as it was not reasonable to be afraid. She had good enough reason to join. It was only logical that they let her. She kept reminding herself this as she stopped moving her tail and plopped her rump on the ground. Playing the waiting game was not her thing at all.

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