Shifting Distance
He wanted to do something, anything, but instead of harming the other male, Tal smiled. It was a warm and welcoming smile, as if the thought of killing the male had never crossed his mind. Tal wasn't that kind of guy. He was happy to see Shaw back, really. Yes, it complicated things for him, but it meant an old friend was home and safe. "It's good to see you, Shawchert. Liam's doing well. He's a handful most days anymore. But I think he got over wanting to jump on people to greet them." He laughed softly, offering out a hand for a warm welcoming handshake.

It was true, Liam was doing good. He just valued his independence more than anything else. The boy wasn't like his father, wanting to wander, but not wanting to wander too far from home. The boy was more like his grandmother Deuce. Full of wanderlust, always exploring someplace new, unwilling to settle in one place for long. He did have his father's drive for learning, but the boy wanted more hands on experiences, rather than book learning. Sadly, Tal was more of a scholar than a warrior, and that was a disappointment to his son.

Tal looked at the bridge. It was obviously a bridge, but he felt compelled to ask why. "So....what exactly are we doing?" He chuckled, amused at what came across to him as himself being rather dimwitted. "I mean, I can see it's a bridge. But why? What for?" He'd never actually been up in the treetop terraces before.

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