This is the product and you are the maker

I'm not for you, you're not for me;
I'll kill you first, you wait and see

Hybrid couldn't even form words. All he managed was a still half-asleep "ehh?" in confusion. One of the puppies stated that he was grumpy. Hybrid chortled in reply, thinking how anyone would be grumpy if they had been woken up from their nap to the sound of shouts. It wasn't really a nap so much as it was him just sleeping off a late night of patrolling.

Of course, he wasn't expecting what the coyote woman had to say next. His children? What? He stared at Aeron for a few seconds, trying to figure out if she was lying. He looked from Aeron to the puppies and stared them down, trying to figure out if they looked like him. Well, the children were definitely full coyotes. The one girl had brilliant liquid honey-coloured eyes and the other had mismatched eyes: one gold, like Aeron's; and the other a deep red like Hybrid's. The girl with the mismatched eyes had the same large ears as Valkyrie and the other's coat looked like, well, any old coyote's. Hybrid grimaced and then shrugged. So what was he supposed to do?

"Why wouldn't it matter to me?" he asked at last, latching on to the one thing he never thought he'd care about. "If these really are... mine, what..." He frowned. "Fucking hell, I guess they are. So what the fuck 'm I supposed to do?"


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