This is the product and you are the maker
I'm not for you, you're not for me;
I'll kill you first, you wait and see

Hybrid glared at the puppy as it slowly slunk back to its mother. Fine, cower. This was why he didn't like these young coyotes anyways: they never knew their place, they were bold when they should be silent and their cried when they should instead learn and heal. They didn't yet understand how to lick their wounds and translate a single experience into an overarching message.

Again, Hybrid regarded the older coyote uneasily as she spoke again. No, he did not care; but he did not want to curse himself by speaking too soon, so he listened to everything she had to say before he decided to speak up.

"I don't know," he replied at last. "If you leave them with Talitha or Valkyrie, they can stay." He frowned and considered his words before continuing. "Their place is here: with Inferni. Inferni needs young blood. It needs life," he explained. He knew that his time would come to an end and perhaps when these two girls were older, they could learn the ways of the clan and protect it like he had his entire life. Or, more importantly, protect Gabriel and his image.


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