A walk to remember
"Hell won't be so bad, you know. After all, I'll be there to keep you company."

Sorry for the late reply. Sad

Voron watched the female through the trees, her paws ghost silent on the dappled ground. She wanted to make her presence known, but wasn't sure how the other wolf would react. She seemed oblivious to her surroundings, staring at the sky and walking unconcernedly. Voron envied her care-free behavior.

Finally Voron decided enough was enough and gave a small yip. The sound was ment merely to alert the other of her presence. She padded closer to the boarder so that the other female would have a clear vision of her. She didn't want to start any trouble and hoped that this female would not be bothered by her presence as long as she did not trespass. Voron was just lonely, looking for the company of another living creature.
She knew that she would join a pack soon, but wasn't yet sure which one.


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