Dishonour! Dishonor on you and your whole family!

When I saw this I laughed so hard that I nearly fell out of my chair XD 'Come on Crickey, let's get this show on the road! Let's move it, heifer!' XDDDDDDDDD Oh, childhood memories~ Backdated to July 17 (Nootau: Not Visible)

The moon was screaming.

Ralla had woken up that morning, panting and with her mane matted against her neck with fearful perspiration, to find that the echo of a distant voice remained ringing in her ears. She clasped her hands tightly to her ears and clenched her jaw tight before the scream she wanted to echo was released and woke her children. All four of them were fast asleep, seeing as it was a little before the sun breached the horizon still, and she did not want to alarm them. Two days ago had been confusing enough for them; they didn't need their mother to appear as if she were having a breakdown. But that dream...! It had most assuredly been a vision from the moon. One so strong had not been received since the snowstorm, and Ralla had well learned her lesson since then on what happened when she ignored such things. Fire, she thought, recalling the nightmare. Fire consuming the forest... The land stained red and black. A scream coming from the moon in the night sky as a poisoned raven clawed at it. All of the signs were immensely terrible, but only partially clear. The poisoned raven couldn't possibly be Dawali; she refused it. And it didn't seem right... None of the other signs had pointed to it beings Dawali's fault, and none of them had ever made themselves clear for as long as she had been a part of AniWaya. But it did mean corruption, for sure. The more the white woman awoke the more she became aware of the signs, and the more she felt she needed to share them. But with who? Surely sharing these dreams with anyone was dangerous at this time; the newcomer Maska was harsh, and telling anything of his rule that was not fortuitous would be suicide in itself. For the sake of her children, she needed to at least appear to everyone else that she was only an Itse, now.

She left the tree hut when Ayasha had awoken and the pups cared for. What with the Town Hall being commandeered for Maska and his Guardians' use, the plan of keeping them there until they could transform into luperci was voided, and she would need a new plan. With all the pack unease, though, it would be hard to find anyone to take her children in. No; perhaps for the time they would have to remain in the tree-hut after all... Her wandering brought her to the stables where Sugar was being kept. At the very least he had not been taken from her; he was her life-long friend from the beginning. Before she could make her way fully to the pastures, though, she heard the yelling and outbursts of Spanish from within. "Leon?" she called out as she stuck her head in, recognizing the man's voice. She remembered all too well the pain he had been brought at the pack meeting, and felt deeply for him. She wished she could've done more than just shepherd everyone with words, but it was no longer her duty to do so, and interfering could've brought the man more pain than he was already in. With ears back she entered, searching for the man she considered kin.

Moon walks. "Moon talks." Moon thinks.

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[Image: Ralla_by_Nina2.png]

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