Dishonour! Dishonor on you and your whole family!
raaallllaaaa <3 2+

Anger overwhelmed him and he kicked at the feed scoop, sending it spinning to the other end of the stables where it crashed against the wall. Several of the horses whinnied nervously and shuffled about, their caretaker radiated rage and pain, a combination that did not go well together, he could easily turn from trusted leader of the herd back into a dangerous predator to be feared and fled from. Hooves clattered and rang against the floor and as always accompanied by the familiar snorts and grunts of the horses. The injured giant leaned against one of the support beams, attempting to rest even as crimson welled up and rolled down his limbs and torso.

Earthen ears flicked forwards as the sounds of someone approaching and he made an effort to attempt to stand on his own two feet, to face whoever it was that encroached upon his work place. If it was one of Maska's men they would be met with fierce hostility and hatred. But as it turned out it was not an encroachment at all, rather a welcomed visitor, immediately his ears relaxed against his head respectfully and the man bowed to the white she wolf as elegantly as he possibly could given his condition,

"Osiyo, Etikaiele Gata. I am honored by your presence here. Why is it that you visit me?" His mannerisms and voice were oddly formal considering their closeish relationship. None of Maska's words stood within here, Dawali was still ruling chief, and Ralla retained her deserved master rank in his eyes along with the others who had been stripped of their ranks and he would address her by no less, least of all the Itse the fake chief had tried to foist upon her. Maska was nothing and a nobody to Leon, and until he proved otherwise it would remain that way permanently.

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