Modern Day Cinderella
Tan and white paws stepped near the lands, she lowered her head down taking in the scent, there was life around here, it wasn’t weak and there was a pack only a few meters off, the pack markers where freshly marked. The female had been well trained in hand to hand combat, and the use of weapons as a secondary line of defense. Her aunt had taken the place of her mother, and had raised her as a child and as an older sister. She was used as the pack pup sitter and was taught by Charm, who always had no words to say, but used her eyes, body and hands to talk. The younger Charm learned how a nip here or a smack of the paw there would make a pups yelp and run back into the family den when they got a little to brave for their own good.

The female sat down, she knew that barking and carrying on like a manic would do her no good, nor would be hunting and eating prey that she would find around the border lines that would be there to tease her and any other member that walked on the border lines. It was a cure game but it was like the stupid creatures knew they were safe from the joiner’s mouth. The female looked to the rabbit munching on a blade of grass as the female raised her lips to the furry meal. She clicked her teeth and lowered her lips, oh how she wanted to just jump up and kill the sucker and feat upon it.

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