The day the earth stood still

Caprica just knew it, she just knew that today was going to be the day. Or maybe she didn't, because she'd been thinking this for quite a few days now. She'd been restless all that time though, which made it hard to get on with her normal life. She'd brought a collection of rabbits home from her snares, and collected together some leather thongs that she had finished curing. She still hadn't found her way around the caves entirely, but she knew her own den extremely well, and all the things she had in it. Since the bareness of Ravesque's visit, when all she'd had was incense, now the cave held many assorted stones and clutter she'd found or made. It was hard to think about much other than her mother and the approaching birth, because Naniko was staying in her den permanently now, and it was certainly close to the moment. However, she still managed to spend a few hours threading beads onto the leather thongs. Making necklaces was a great distraction.

She had made three when she needed to go to the kitchen to collect some yellow dye that had been brewed up earlier, but on her way back, she caught a scent that made her eyes widen in surprise. It was a scent of childhood, of distant valleys. It was her sister, surely it was Rio. Caprica hurried towards the direction of the scent, tracking it across the commons, and to the entrance of Naniko's den. She hesitated, and then realised there were other wolves within, and the scent of birth. The time had come and gone; her heart soared and she rushed forward, stopping herself with a hand on the stone just inside the entrance. Rio sat near her mother, and there were her new brothers or sisters, and... Ravesque, nearby. She caught his words - they were brothers, then. She was a little puzzled at the proximity of the dark male to her mother. Had she been utterly dense, before? Was there something between them? Rio asked the pertinent question, and Caprica was denied the opportunity to speak and greet and gush and congratulate - she could not interrupt this exchange, so she merely stood, her eyes soft and warm and loving, but a little mystified, too.


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