season of mists and mellow fruitfulness

They had been mates for nearly a month. The same night Nayru had told Gideon that she loved him, he had asked her to be his mate. The girl’s agreement came swiftly and with much excitement, but for the most part they had kept that excitement to themselves. Range and Melee knew. Saul, Siku and Wretch knew. Yet Nayru did not make it so public to those who did not reside in the apartment building with them. It wasn’t that she was shy or embarrassed; Nayru simply did not know how to go about announcing such a change in their relationship. Yet Saul had been excited from the start, and the man quickly arranged to have the whole pack in on the celebration. For that, Nayru was grateful.

And yet as she sat in her room, waiting Gideon’s return a mostly unfamiliar feeling crept up from her intestines and spread like wildfire in her stomach. The nervousness she felt was much the same that Gideon possessed, though they both hid it from the other. The quiet girl, although head of the pack and often leader of pack meetings, was unaccustomed to so many eyes and ears dedicated to her. When they held pack meetings she simply felt like a catalyst, she spoke for the pack, not for her. They listen for the pack, not for her. Now they would be there for her, and Nayru was unsure what was even expect of her. Or of him.

As Gideon came through the door it was a great relief to see the man. Nayru rose to greet him as had become habit for the two. She moved to nip his cheek lightly and noted the items in his hands. ”Yes. I’m ready." And they set off, side by side, walking at the same pace until they came upon the prearranged spot. Others were already gathered, but not all, and Nayru did not know whether to feel strangely that they were not the first two there. Or the last two. To arrive right in the middle of their friends and family seemed awkward, and Nayru pulled Gideon aside as she surveyed those already gathered with a strange and unusual anticipation for the ceremony about to take place, casting curious eyes at Saul who was orchestrating this whole event.


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