season of mists and mellow fruitfulness
Enter the Jace~Face slight pp of a few people Big Grin if its unwanted then i'll remove <3

It was time! Oh!She was just so excited and it wasn't even her wedding ceremony, in her old pack weddings had been cause for huge celebrations that had gone on for days and nights, and even one time she remembered a double one. The pack had gone crazy at that, sometimes she could swear she still felt the headache from all the alcohol she had consumed. Not enough time to get everything ready, damn she was going to be late she just knew it. She pottered around the house she shared with Temo trying to find her braid enders, where had she put the damn things?! Eventually she found them in some dark corner, how had they gotten there? And quickly layered them into her braids, long strings of vibrant colored ribbon entwined with her dual toned locks, the white fading to tan brown as it went down.

Randomly strewn about her hair and tail were small blue flowers she had asked of the trees that grew around her house, she did not know their names, of which she was regretful. But the blue looked so good against her coloring and eyes. Her hair itself was behaving for once and hadn't turned into a frizzy mass of madness, it hung long, curly and loose, with a few plaits here and there, to complete the entire ensemble a small, thin band of cloth had been tied around her head to keep stray curls back. The woman wore no fancy clothes simply because she had none to wear, so she went in her fur which had been brushed and tamed until it gleamed in the sunlight.

Finally she was ready, she had no idea where Temo was but if he didn't hurry he was going to be embarrassingly late instead of simply fashionably late. Still late or not, she began to make her way across the pack, it took her a good while though as her house was far from the meeting site and by the time she got there, the small clearing was already packed with people, some she knew and some she didn't. The WolfDog mingled for once, threading throughout the crowd, saying hi to those she knew and introducing herself to those she didn't.

She waved to Noah who was looking sleepy and tired and felt sorry for the grey male, his obsession with the stars was getting to be a bit severe. She frowned slightly as she saw a child sat alone and trying to stay out of sight, the girl was also bandaged and injured. She looked around worriedly but no one else seemed to be worried for her so Jace left the white girl be. She saw Ansui who she had met just the day before and bowed to him; Oh! There was Eclipse! Sat with their Hippie leader, she waved at both of them, not wanting to shout across the congregation just to say hi. Saul at the nerve center of everything, he organizer of this chaos, she dropped by him and asked if they were still going ahead with the duet, she smiled as he nodded at her.

Ah! There he was, the wolf she was looking for, Ookami was sat with Adonia, who looked a bit green around the gills and she pondered what it could be as she mvoed through the throng and then remembered she had been the one tasked to kill an animal for the feast, her tsked in sympathy for the woman, Jace knew how much she loved the animals. She plopped herself down on the log in front of the couple, facing them and grinned.

"Aye up, Haven't seen you two for a while. Sure you haven't been hiding from me?" She laughed at her own joke, the festive air and excitement was getting to her head, she leaned forwards and spoke again,

"Saul said he'd rather us sing after than before, as they are walking away. If that's okay with you?" As she spoke the she wolf kept an eye out for the brown eyed, black furred mate of hers and silently rolling her eyes at his tendency to wander off at the most unneeded of times, she huffed to herself.

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