season of mists and mellow fruitfulness
OOC: Umm...yeah. crap here, I know. -__- Sorry. But Nayru and Gideon get some pretty neck jewelry. Big Grin

The howl had not carried to her out in the forest and near the stream, so she had just gone about her day like any other. Things in her day went normally, creating random junk and making all kinds of little pretties. The new ring, found at the bottom of a pond, on her pinky finger made her smile and think of Range every time she saw it, which in turn gave her the idea to make more necklaces. With that idea stuck in her head, she took some strings and started braiding until there was a chord as thick as her finger, every now and then slipping a small colorful rock in and weaving around it. There were two of those pretty little sparkly necklaces done within an hour of starting…but she had no one to give them to.

Sliding the necklaces into her rabbit skin satchel and securing that around her neck, she shifted into lupus form and took off for the middle of the pack lands. There were certain areas that most of her pack mates liked to hang out. Most of them were unknown to her still, not that she wasn’t willing to socialize, just a bit nervous. Upon drawing closer to the general area around where she thought the winery might be located, she could hear a lot of excited voices and insanity going on. There was music, and a large fire apparently, judging by the smoke and lights. Following all of it, she began to catch snippets of conversations; the happy voices letting her know what was going on. A small smile drew her lips up when she realized that it was a joining ceremony.

However happy the young lady was for Nayru and Gideon, she didn’t want to be in such a mess for too long. Sniffing around nervously, she staying in the shadows until she caught Saul’s scent. Darting out of the trees, she ran up to him and shifted into Optime form. Reaching into her little neck pouch, she took out the two necklaces and dropped them into the male’s hands. “F-for Gide-eon and N-Nayru…” Her head bobbed a few times as she nodded and then her form whipped around and she tried to escape the loud, hectic environment.

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