Expedition Patriotic
Kase Smile +3

So she had been told that if she ventured down past the guest caverns and her own den and still further, eventually the path would bring her back in a large loop to the beginning. She had been walking for what felt like forever, and had not found herself in anywhere familiar. Entrances marked with their owner's trail came into view now and then, letting her know she wasn't going in circles, but mostly she was passing mysterious openings, and she had no idea where they led. She didn't like to think she might creep up on someone unawares, like a bat or a rat or something more spooky. She scuffed her feet, shuffling like a tap dancer from time to time to make her audible dent in the granite atmosphere. Yes, the tunnel was curving and by holding an image in her mind of where she'd walked she had the vague idea that she would end up at the commons soon enough. The minutes seemed to drag, the monotony making her hum and play with her flower-fragrant hair as she walked, slowly but steadily tracing a crescent loop with pupils large in the half-light darkness. This had been meant to be a simple exploration, but had turned into a trek. At least it gave her time to muse on the new pack she'd found herself in, and drove the message of its size and strength in still further. She wanted to belong, and she wanted to do so as quickly as ever she could. She could start by at least knowing her way around. So while she was nervous about continuing down the unknown path for what felt like hours of time, she forced herself to keep moving and she did not look back.


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