OOC: for forgetting about this and leavign it, i give you a long and hopefully decent post

Eclipse was more excited about the fact she got to use an old human thing, and she was looking at the wheels to see how they worked, but also kept her eyes on where she was going. It was interesting, and the other girl, she had little to say but Eclipse found that it was very good company. She didn't mind that she hadn't been everywhere, it gave Eclipse more of a chance to tell her stories of her own to see how Wretch would react.

"I was foolish and ran away... I wanted to find my dad, but I didn't want anyone to hurt me like he did... because I did leave I hurt other people too, like Saul.

She sounded guilty at the her own admission. She knew everyone lived different lives, just from the canines she'd met. Her second momma "Momma Malachi" had saved her from a rushing river, she was so much different looking than anyone she'd ever met, but she still denned just like anyone else and she had to have been the most compfortable sleeping item around. Her second family was different in their traditions, though they never explained them to her, the had told her all would be revealed when she was seven months but the girl never stayed that long to find out. Even Crimson Dreams was different in its own way, they'd let her stay on her own but kept a close eye on her. She was nearly free to do as she wished, it was nice for a while, but was never home, never like this.

"I know I belong here now, but I like seeing other places. I like different things, sights, sounds, smells. There's so much all over. I know some people think i'm strange because of it, but I like moving around, it's just nice to know I have a home at least

She'd stopped Wretch's chair just inside the overgrown grass and started pulling up the flowers, getting as many roots as she could with them so they could be replanted, shaken from any loose soil. She would have new soil just for them where they were relocated. Once she had about a dozen different colored ones she looked at the girl and asked

"Think that's enough?"

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