Alesigja tho rhi thuesgho

Razekiel smiled, adopting a sage expression about his features and nodding quietly as she described her beliefs. Yes, such concepts were all too familiar. "Ah, yeah, I dig it, man," he began, pulling rose lenses from its perch on his snout and wiping them gently in his shirt to clear off the leftover rainwater. "Many, many of my fellows back in Juniper Peace believed that, stormcloud. The Mother works in the ways she likes, man. If that's what she chooses to do, then I'm groovy with it."

He was only a pawn, after all, an extension of Her hand who acted in her favor. What fate she offered him, whether it be an afterlife or an eternity at her side after his death, he would accept it. Razekiel did not fear the beyond — but he did prefer not to think too hard about it.

"It's not that I don't believe in it, man, or that it bothers me," he shrugged, smiling sheepishly at her as he replaced the glasses, "but maybe I just don't want to taken back out of the 'Not-Life,' yeah?" His smile persisted, and gaze returned to the rain. He did not fear death — and he did not desire rebirth. A simple man, perhaps, if not only in his beliefs.

image © beautyredefined @ Twitter ; table by lin
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