It's all over but the crying

Sorry, I've got a hell of a lot of exams at the moment, just posting now while giving myself a break from the books... I'll post faster once they are over Smile

It was nice to walk around. Painful, but at least now she could. She hadn't trusted her body to be able to stand a longish walk and back again, and she didn't want to sleep outside like this. No matter how long ago it had happened, going on nearly three weeks, she still felt bad. She felt.. wrecked. Though, she knew it was probably more her mind that made her feel that way, and not the body. She was mentally drained, and odd pains in her body kept showing up, even though they didn't really have a relation to the fight nor the birth. It was like a thousand small fires, clawing at her skeleton, all day long. Aching. Her heart was no less in pain. She could ignore her body, but the hollowness in her being was too present, too heavy, and too cold. How many times had she been forced to tell her story now? She broke her own heart every time. As if keeping it a secret would unmake the past. It sometimes felt that way. However, Haku had made sure basically everyone in the pack knew what had happened, so she hid from them, partly in shame, partly because she didn't know what else to do. Her mother had stuck around, and her brother, but other than that she had not met anyone in Dahlia de Mai in nearly a month. Maybe it was better that way.

A scent filled her nose as she came closer to the border, and she trotted along in its direction, four legs carrying her ivory, bruised body lightly; it looked easier than it was. What she found made her indecisive as to what to do, still hiding but having the male in sight. She shrugged mentally, he had probably smelled her now anyways. He looked angry, angry like herself. Angry at things enough to want to kill them, destroy them. Perhaps this walk hadn't been the smartest idea after all, he might attack her. No matter, he probably knew she was there, so entering the scene openly wouldn't do anything to or fro. Her body was tense as she moved into plain sight, tail pointing in vaguely between her legs, yet her posture not humble. He was on their border, and she would act accordingly. Noticing his wounds, she decided he was no threat, yet she was weak herself, so what could she do? A friendly approach was probably the best. Friendly, but cautious. She tried to throw a polite smile on top of it, but as she sat down her shoulder screamed in pain and it turned into more of a wince. Hello, stranger.


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