It's all over but the crying
Idea: hey, what if he walks her home, since she's tired n' stuff? Tongue Would be interesting Wink

He pulled back from the embrace and spoke again. Like before he seemed unusually passionate, to her, and at first it had been strange. Almost as if he was false, a smoothtalker. But she realised that it wasn't that which laid behind his words. He was, simply. just like this. Perhaps he wasn't like this always, but at least when he was passionate or emotional. She let him pull himself away, but - to her own surprise - with a little disappointment. She hadn't thought she would, but she'd enjoyed the hug - perhaps a little more than she should have done. He spoke of his heart, and of promises. As if they were lovers - or at least these were things she imagined lovers would talk of. He was standing over her again now, and she regretted that she hadn't made him shift for her after all. Or that she did not have the same form as him. But she was too weak for shifting. She wished she - too - had arms. His height made her uncomfortable, feeling even weaker than she was. Her green eyes looked up at him as he spoke again, and secretly she wished he would just sit down with her.

His face spoke of what went on in his mind as words about the war left her lips. She decided against telling him the details. What would he think of her if he learnt that Haku had murdered innocents? Or, partly innocents, but still. She didn't want him to think badly of her, and she was surprised again, by her own feelings. Normally she didn't care what strangers thought of her. He spoke of loyalty, and she nodded to his words as she replied. He might not be a fighter, but loyalty could sometimes best even the best of fighters. Thank you - what more was there to say? She was rather astounded at what he was doing, and also the fact that despite them being complete strangers he trusted her so instantly. She didn't know what drove him to do this, but she was curious. She didn't ask, though. Instead, she found that her nose acted of its own accord and gently nudged his hand where he stood, for the third time surprising her. She realised she wanted the embrace back. She pushed the thought away, there was no time to think about it right now, and it intimidated her anyway, so she was better off not thinking about it at all. She felt weary, and the sun was going to be on its way downward in not very long. She didn't want to be out when it was dark; she was too weak to see anything coming, and darkness didn't help. She attempted to get up standing, and as she did so she nearly lost her balance; one of her legs had not wanted to do what she wanted. She managed not to fall and eventually she stood steadily again. Once she did stand, she said nothing, but she looked at him in a way that told him not to comment. She was weak, yes, but she was no helpless child. She had enjoyed feeling like one, though, when he had embraced her, but that thought could worry her later.


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