I am not my own.

Word Count: 364

Her ears twitched in silent acceptance of his apology as he explained that he hadn't meant to surprise her. She shrugged lightly, putting her good hand around her other arm in a sheepish gesture. That was really her fault, in the end. Usually she was attentive, but the climbing had fully occupied her attention. "Yeah, I guess it was mostly my fault for being so focused on climbing." it was as close to a "sorry for overreacting" as she could get without actually saying that. Then again, it wasn't as if she had jumped down and tried to gouge his eyes out. The girl had just scowled a bit and stated her opinion; nothing really wrong with that. Besides, they were moving on to other conversations of more interest to her.

Melee was interested and also happy that Ouija didn't think her deformed paw was a hindrance. Though its uselessness was the reason that she hadn't been trying to utilize it in some way, she wasn't ashamed of it. It pleased her that he didn't see it as a deformity or a "poor you" moment. The deformity had never slowed her down before. Her chocolate-colored ears listened as he explained what he would do. It was a good point. Perhaps her bad arm wasn't entirely useless. She still had strong muscles in that arm, the only thing she couldn't do was grab things with her hand. It didn't have the right development for that, but she had been wrong in assuming it to be entirely useless. That was a mistake that she wouldn't make again.

"Good to meet you, Ouija." she remarked with her tail wagging slightly. The words were genuine, it was already an interesting meeting. At his offering, she hesitated only momentarily. The other Luperci could very easily use the position of power - holding her up - to his advantage. Naively, though, she had a lot of faith in the goodness of other wolves. "I would appreciate that." she remarked, turning around and hoping that he would just boost her up so that she could try the new technique idea that he had recommended. Making her deformed appendage useful for once!


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