Llama Man
WC: 1, 302
OOC: this is kinda rushed, but its a starter. Big Grin can't wait to get this going. xD not in the mood for a table at the moment.

More exploring was in line. The girl was getting restless with all the pointless sitting around. Her home was not getting modified fast enough, and was filling up with all of her crap too fast. Last night she slept outside under the stars, praying that there would be no rain or a big drop in temperature. She got lucky and slept well, getting up with the sun and packing her good sized shoulder pack full of meat from her last hunt. The palm sized chunks were wrapped in pieces of cured skin and leaves, masking most of the scent. On top and all around the meat, the bag was stuffed full with her flags, the thick material was nearly water proof, and it retained heat very well.

Some needles and thread were stowed away in her necklace pouch, along with some pretty beads and little trinkets that could fit. After taking a long, satiating drink at the stream, she stood and began walking. The pack lands were pretty much explored, so in her mind, it was time to go looking elsewhere for new and exciting things. She never thought about telling anyone that she was going to be leaving for a while. Being in a pack atmosphere was still something that she wasn’t really used to, and her parents had never cared if she wandered off when she was a child. In her mind, there was no one for her to tell, she had to get moving right at that moment, or else she would go crazy.

When she reached the base of the Halcyon Mountains, a flutter of anticipation and nervous excitement shivered though her body, causing her to grin widely and start to walk faster. About two hours had passed since she’d left her home, and the sun was now a bit higher in the sky, lighting the path that her feet were taking. The rocks started to get a lot bigger, and trees started to get smaller until they were dwindling from her view altogether. She never slowed down, never stopped walking or took a break. There was no point in taking breaks until the sun was setting and she could no longer see if where she was going. So that is exactly what she did.

A few times Tawny reached back and slipped out small strips of dried meat to chew on, each strip was thick and chewy, giving her at least two hours of occupation before moving on to another. The meat she had packed was a mixture of mostly deer, with some rabbit and fish mixed in randomly. Fishing was something that she had been surprised to learn about but had quickly gotten good at. Her hands were just the right size to grab and hold on tight to a medium sized trout or bass. She’d also found that they were absolutely delicious when cooked almost to burning over a fire and then covered in berry juice, it was her new favorite meal.

The girl was still walking, and getting pretty tired by the time the sun was turning pink with the first hints of sunset. She yawned widely and stretched, looking around for a good place to curl up and take a long nap. About thirty feet up the trail she was taking, there was a small overhang in the rock formation, bellow it was a cut out that was sprinkled with dirt, grass and left over snow. Hopping up and over a few boulders was easy enough, and the little cave like area was perfect for a sleep spot. Dropping her pack, she dug through it until she found her colorful flag and spread it out on the ground. It was really big and stretched a little bit longer than her body was tall, covering nearly the entire area. Another flag was pulled, this one laid out with the first, acting as her blanket for the night. Lastly, she wrapped her entire pack in the last flag, making sure that the smell of meat was masked totally.

Yawning another time, her jaws spread open wide; she dropped down and crawled under her make-shift blanket, pulled the pack to her chest. The sun was slowly setting over the side of the opposing mountain peak, making for a gorgeous picture as she watched. With the sleeping sun, her eyes slid closed and her mind wandered as well.

The next morning brought a light sprinkling of snow all over everything, and a large drop in temperature. Thankfully, the young woman was snuggled down under her flag, which had pretty much trapped and deflected her body heat back towards her all night long. Groaning, she stretched and sat up, taking in the beautiful scenery for a few minutes. After getting her bearings, it didn’t take long to have the flags rolled up and stored again. She kept the smallest one, colored dark green with an odd pattern on it, out and wrapped it around her body, settling the shoulder pack over the top to keep it in place as she walked. The flag kept her warm for the most part, only her feet, hands and face feeling the chill as she got higher up into the mountains.

Though Tawny didn’t think about it, she subconsciously knew that she was outside of pack lands and needed to be careful. There were wanderers and loners that lived in random places, both mean and nice, who might not want her trespassing on their property. This didn’t faze her one bit though, as she knew that the worst thing they could do was kill her, and most wouldn’t go that far in their punishment of stragglers.

She kept on going like she had the day before, refusing to let the elements slow her traveling down. She didn’t like the thought of stopping again to take breaks, even though it was slowly getting harder for her to breath. The air quality at this level of elevation was thinning out drastically, and her body wasn’t used to it at all. A few times she had to lean over and wheeze for a while, holding her chest until a large enough breath was taken in. This kept going for hours and hours, having to stop and cough a few times every mile she walked. Progress was slow going, but she kept trying.

Eventually Tawny collapsed, hitting her knees and sinking down against a boulder, panting heavily. She closed her eyes and rested for a while, not wanting to move, body sore from climbing and carrying her heavy pack. After a while of just laying there, the girl lifted her head and looked around, deep blue eyes flickering around quickly, taking in all of her surroundings. She sighed when nothing exciting came into view, and started to stand up again, determined to keep walking. Only a few more steps down the trail and she stopped dead still, her body frozen with a nervous type of excited fear. The animals in that dip of grassy land…looked very odd. They were like a mix of a sheep and a horse, with soft looking fur and mean looking hooves.

Moving as quietly as she could, she slowly drew closer and crouched down behind a small rock, watching as an old man walked out of a falling down cabin. His coat was ratty and dirty, but she could tell that it had once been a beautiful golden color. Hunched backed and leaning on a cane of wood, he looked like he was about to waste away into nothing. Whining softly in sympathy, Tawny stood up again and started walking down the path once more. She wanted to meet this old man and make sure he was okay; possibly he could teach her something from him while she was up there.

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