Whispers in the wind
Before they could make a decision on what to do next one was made for them. Orin glanced at the borders in time to see a luperci woman who looked much like herself coming towards them. The woman only revealed herself to them as she grew close, and it unsettled Orin that she knew where they were but they had not seen her before. Orin's yellow eyes scanned the landscape, searching for others. Had they walked right into an ambush? A moment went by and nothing happened. The woman seemed to still be keeping herself fairly concealed with them, and after a moment Orin began to believe that she meant them no harm.

The AniWayan began speaking right away. Her introduction was stilted, uncomfortable. What was going on? Orin glanced at Shawchert, but looked back to the blue-eyed, snowy wolf a moment later. Before the d'Arte pair could say anything the woman glanced around with suspicion matching her own, then spoke conspiratorially to them. Orin's eyes widened, she was surprised that the woman had said so much to two strangers. In one breath she truncated the plight of her tribe, and spoke of mutiny. Things must really be awful here.

Orin began to respond but Shawchert beat her to the chase. While his tone was discreet, she couldn't believe her ears! Had he really just divulged all that information to the first AniWayan who approached? If the tribe really was divided, as Ayasha professed, how did they know she wasn't one of them? Orin moaned in frustration and gave Shawchert's tail a sharp bite, proffering a few hairs. She spit the fur out on the ground after giving him a sharp look of contempt, then turned back to Ayasha.

“It's good to meet you, Ayasha, though I'm sorry about the circumstances,” she said, her voice reflecting her current annoyance. But the irritation melted from her voice as she continued. “My name is Orin and this is Shawchert. As my companion has told you, we're from Cercatori d'Arte and we have come to check on the state of your pack, since we have started to catch wind of strange tidings here.” She would not confirm what Shawchert said about the refugees. These people were counting on them for help. Even if Ayasha was on the right side, if the AniWayan refugees did not tell her that they were fleeing to Cercatori d'Arte she did not need to know. At best, it was just more information the insurgents could beat out of her.

She did, however, agree with offering them supplies... That is, if they were offering the right people. “Wait a minute, back up here.” She whispered as she sat down, curling her tail around her forelegs. “We're willing to help but we need some details first, and then we'll tell our Capitana everything we have heard and let her decide if we can afford to help. So the brutality we have heard about is true. Who is Maska? How did he take over your pack, and why doesn't this sit well with your people?”

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