Its a nasty habit
Rurik had been to Halifax before, but only in passing. He had never stayed and looked around the ruins to see what was held inside. He doubted anything was worth keeping, but there was only one way to find out. He was just coming into the city limits when he looked up and noticed the sun. "Noon already?! Where has the day gone..." He said to himself, twirling his black bow staff/walking stick aimlessly. He had woken up early that morning to come to Halifax, hoping to get here before the heat of the day set in, but no such luck. He flipped back the black hood on his black cloak and shook his head to fluff up his hair, which had been pressed down by the hood. "Well, the day isn't getting any longer..." Shifting his pack on his back he headed into the city to see what he could find.

He searched threw the first few buildings he came to, but found nothing but over growth and rubble. The same could be said for the next few buildings. After a bit he stopped. "This is just depressing...normally I find something, maybe not worth keeping, but at least something." He stood in the middle of the street and twirled his bow staff idly, thinking about what to do next. Should he continue on and continue searching the buildings with the chance that they are all empty? Or should he stop now and leave? Decisions, decisions.

After some though he decided to continue his search, hoping to stumble upon some little treasure. Heading down the street he came to a larger building, one that could have been a warehouse of some sort at one point, but now it was nothing but over grow, rusting metal. That didn't stop Rurik from being curious though. Using his dagger he cut away the vines that had grown over the door. With that done he tried to open it, only to hand the door knob literally crumble in his hand. "That's great..." He muttered, looking at the pile of rust on the ground. With a sigh he backed up a step or two. Then, with a sharp intake of breath and a grunt, he did a forward kick on the door and knocked it inwards with a loud crack. "Maybe I put too much 'oomf' in it..." He said with a slight grin to himself. Poking his head threw the door way he looked around. He didn't smell anything except for metal and the foliage that had taken over the place. "Hello?! Anyone home?!" He called out, getting an echo in response. With a shrug he ventured into the building to see what it might old inside.

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