[m] if the price is right

He snapped to attention at the voice, jerking his head over none-too-gracefully at the…dog? Hampton had seen dogs in passing and thought them ugly things, looking far too soft for the world that he knew was made for wolves. Yet the man was not aggressive, and even seemed to sense what he was looking for. Yellow-brown eyes narrowed, suspicious. They were going to offer him a girl? What in the world had he been missing in Nova Scotia?

To his surprise, a girl (and a young girl at that) approached from the woods. While in her larger form (as was he), she was still incredibly attractive. Pale and with a unique darker streak along her head, Hampton was instantly drawn to her. More-so, he imagined from her age she had likely not gone through any sort of mating before. A low rumble began in his chest, pleased by the offer. “You serious? What’s the catch?” A sideways glance was shot towards the dog, cautious yet…though his hormones were hardly arguing with him now. That was visibly apparent from the thing dangling between his legs.

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