Knife Skills
She didn’t have to wait long until J’adore opened the door. She giggled at the two pups that came rushing out. ”Hey, munchkins.” But she went over to the table and looked at the knives. There were many kinds and she decided to grab a simple pair of knives to learn how to fight with them. She picked them up and felt them. They were rather lightweight but well made. She could that even if she didn’t really use them. She would need to get her own pair soon. It would not do to keep borrowing other wolves’ knives.

She stepped outside and gave the Austral boys a grin. ”Well, they get to see their daddy beat their ‘cousin’.” She and J’adore weren’t truly related, of course, but she viewed him as her uncle and he was her siblings’ godfather. She turned serious. ”What do we do first?” She wasn’t so sure about whether or not she would do well but would need to learn for her own protection.

Ayasha hoped that J’adore would go easy on her at first. She hadn’t really used these before. The only time she had used it was during the hunting trip they had with Saxif.

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