[m]Concious Fists
OOC: Ok since Orin making a nice big family thread for friday morning and I don't know the types of injuries that Shaw will be recieving is it ok to predate for Friday afternoon? Also Shaw is in Optime as well Smile

Shawchert could take in the scent much clearer now, yes it was a trespasser and he had not come too long. Shawchert scanned the area, and soon caught sight of a figure slinking through the trees. Yes it was definitely not one of his own. Baring his teeth, he moved behind this man. As silent as the large brute could. All of his past worries were forgotten, about Sky possibly choosing Taliesin, about being beaten by the little punk, and Orin's previous anger towards him. Everything was gone, but the thought that this man might actually do harm to one of his girls, or pack mates. This would not fly.

"You have deliberately passed through the borders of Cercatori d' Arte, we do not take kindly to trespassers."

Shawchert growled at the man. If this man didn't have a good reason for being in the pack lands for any good reason at all, he'd find himself chasing the man out. After everything that had happened beyond these borders Shaw has sworn to make them safe again. For the rest of his life.

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