first blood
The savage in man is never
quite eradicated

Word Count » --

Enkiel’s words were heard and met with a silent bought of fury. He had been riding Viggo for so long that they had formed a tight bond. While he was comfortable and more than capable of walking on his own, it was the principle of the matter that stung. To attack his horse was to attack him. This was an offense that would not be taken lightly.

With ease, ignoring the blood on his coat, Ezekiel rose. He rubbed the base of Viggo’s forelock and sighed. Sorry, brother,” he said, speaking the low speech quietly. A snort from the horse was given, and with a motion for him to stay the Aquila moved towards the bloodied trail. It no longer carried any scent beyond that, but as he knelt, Ezekiel saw what had caused the damage. A series of sharp stones had been buried in the ground, pointed upward and covered by soft earth. He picked one up, eyeing it as if the culprit might have left their mark. Finally, furious, he flung the stone away. Red hands worked quickly to pull the shards out of the earth. It was a sizeable pile. “Enkiel, give me one of those cloths.”

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