an attitude i would like to devour
[/html] Tayui watched Eris as she revealed more about herself than Tayui could have hoped for. She wondered if she could ever get along with this woman: certainly, there was nothing wrong with her and a minor spat wasn't any reason to hold a grudge. Moreover, her admission that sharing a gift was better than receiving it touched Tayui. She gave the Auxiliary a small, tentative smile and then glanced away, embarrassed at herself. Maybe she had judged Eris too soon; indeed, there were many things that were similar between the two of them, even if Eris was content with her barbaric, medieval style of discipline. Although Tayui had no attachment to Darijus, she had a strong enough sense of morality to know that cutting one's tongue out was ridiculous and crudely uncivilized. Eris had authorized this, so this only confused her more. She didn't know how to rectify Eris' obvious love for her family with her casual brutality against the slaves.

"I've never had what you have: a family or an important role -- but I would--" she began and then broke off abruptly. She took a step back when she noticed a cat approach Eris. She felt her fur stand on end and let out a small warning hiss to the creature.

"That is a predator," she stated flatly. "Do you let it encroach on our hunting grounds?" She couldn't believe that Eris would be able to find love for a predator which threatened their food supply. Her instincts screamed at Tayui to destroy this thing and set things right. [html]

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