[M] the blackest hole in all of space
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.


Date: 25 Aug

Time: Night

Location: Borgata Colotl


The pale form seemed tiny in her arms. There was undue warmth in Shibboleth's body, evidence enough of the fever that had wracked the girl's body for some days now. There was a stink to her, sticky-sweet and faintly tinged with rot, evidence that the infection had entered her body through the hole in her belly. Eris had not known this could happen to children; she did not know that they could become malformed within her very body, before they had breathed the fresh air.

The tiny form shivered against her chest, and Eris wondered whether Shib was cold or whether it was another of the shaking fits. Seizures, perhaps -- the sable shaded woman did not know. She was not a medicine woman, and she had not permitted anyone other than Larkspur and Molca to so much as see Shibboleth since her birth. Only the girl's siblings knew, and whether they truly understood, the hybrid did not know.

Her yellow-green eyes seemed afire as she gazed over and across the bay, contemplating the drop down into the water. It would be too easy to hold the small thing over the abyss and let the tiny form slip from her grasp. Eris swallowed hard and clutched the form tighter, hunkering down and kneeling over this edge, the quietest of whimpers emerging from her throat.

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