The Last of Summer
Lycan woke late from last night's success, the comfort of his new den was better than he had thought, and for a rare occasion he felt happy. Alone, but happy. That was troubling him lately, after he had met the first wolf that was ever nice to him, he had become aware of the fact that he was alone and friends weren't on his life list.
He thought about the limits due to a lonely life as he stepped into the fresh, cool air. Summer was ending, and the deep green on the trees were fading. The leaves were becoming roasted from the sun, browning and warm. Hibernation was become less adamant to many smaller creatures, meaning there was more noise of foraging on the forest floor, which would mean finding food, would be quicker. The thought of food struck Lycan's stomach; he hadn't eaten for a while, so this would be the perfect opportunity to hunt.
Walking through the river and into the forest, Lycan was keeping his nose up, taking in scents. Soon enough, he smelt a rabbit hole. Following the scent he soon found the rabbit home. He sniffed around the hole and smelt a rabbit; the creature was obviously storing the food it had recently found. Lycan reached his arm down the rabbit's home; the hole was only just big enough, so there wouldn't be any escape for the creature.
The rabbit was pretty large, tasted like a rabbit should and satisfied Lycan's stomach for the moment and the catch itself was a lot of luck. Lycan went back to wandering around and researching his thoughts. Would food always have to be caught out of luck for a lone wolf?

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