It Began with a Seed | [Join]

Since returning to Ichika, some days ago, the Jiryu was both herself and not herself. No being could ever stay consistent; life was change and if one was not constantly changing than they were surely not among the living anymore. Even in death change would penetrate the body, decaying it from the inside out until blood and bones decomposed back into earth--which was perhaps one of the most drastic transformation any creature undertook. Yet Nayru's modifications were not so stark, only those who knew her best would see the shift in personality, the alterations in mood: the withdraw back into herself, the strictly enforced structure and the silent way she eyed the others with. They were not new habits to her, rather a return to her old ways of life.

Early she rose, as she had done every morning in Dahlia de Mai, and Nayru scolded herself for having become lazy. Often she would linger in the warm nest Gideon and her shared, but now she thrust herself out into the chilled morning, long before the others in the shared apartment building awoke. On small, silent feet she went to and from many of the key areas of Ichika, as she had often done in Dahlia. Checking first in the vineyards, some plants still needing harvesting and now that Siku had gone Nayru had to pick up the slack. Mechanically she began to pluck fruit from vines, eager to get the whole harvest in before the threat of frost. Finally she had to stop herself, knowing that there were other places that would need her attention.

Next she moved to the ranch, checking the animals and knowing both Adonia and Saul would be by throughout the day, and yet she couldn't help but set to work feeding the ones that seemed hungriest that morning and pulling water to and from their makeshift homes. Then the girl moved to the Abbey, pleased to find everything in perfect order there and even if she wished to set herself to work, there was none to be found. And so she allowed herself a moment for quiet meditation in the adorned halls. Yet this was not a break from her daily chores, merely a part of them. Her mind too had become lax and lazy in the comfort of Ichika, and while such a relaxed lifestyle might suit Razekiel, Nayru knew herself to be a warrior and to have allowed her guards to fall so completely was a grave oversight.

Centered once more she began the most tedious of all the tasks on her to-do list. The borders of Ichika. Recently they had expanded, the land they claimed increased and thus the amount of land she had to travel to secure all the edges of the land was greater. This did not daunt her, she merely made her way along the flowered boundary line. Now and then she would mark her scent, mingle it with the others she found. It was rare to come across one that was not of Ichikan origin, and when she did it did not take long to discern the source. Few visitors came, and most who did stayed.

And so it was without surprise she came across a strange scent, and very soon after that the maker of the scent. The woman dined on the other side of the invisible boundary, settled in among the late summer blooms and Nayru came upon her in her well trained fashion. A ghost, silent footfalls and downwind to keep her scent from finding the other too quickly. When the tiny two toned lady was upon the other, ruby eyes sought to meet with those of the stranger, and Nayru bowed her head low, her body language easy and casual as she clasped her hands together and smiled at the other, no words spoken.


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