It Began with a Seed | [Join]
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ooc: 319 Words

Character Name: X'yrin Exultare

Character Age: 3.5 years

Character Gender: Female

Preferred Specialized Rank: Kenpo | Konrei

OOC Name: Zyn

Other Characters Played: (Zynex)

OOC Second Form of Contact: Aim

Character Alignment: (optional)---

Understanding her circumstance, Nayru was more than kind not to jest the female about her words. Undoubtedly she sounded ignorant, perhaps simple but the Ichikan was polite enough not to center her attention upon. To this X'yrin was grateful and bowed her head in thanks. Gestures were more appropriate than words in some instances anyway.

But caught in the excitement of conversing with another, the Nomad had for a moment forgotten that while she divulged the practices and community of the travelling group she was no longer a part of it. Proud as she was for her people, it was painfully aware that she was alone. The Jiryu's question returned the female to her present situation, flinching as the weight dropped abruptly upon her. "Oh..." she uttered quietly. "N-no..." Her ears laid back against her skull whilst amber eyes cast a bashful glance to the earth. "I left them... nearly seven seasons ago. Did not want to travel to same places. New, stranger places. But Exultare Shepard- I mean... sire, no.. father- would not move speak with the other heads to move the Nomads. Said it was dangerous... familiar lands made it easier for newborns. But I was granted leave. Told that I could return when satisfied. I am...still travelling."

She had felt embarrassed being found away from 'home', let alone questioned on it when she had showed such pride for the unique people. Hypocritical, one would say. However... "Ichika," she continued, lifting her large head to again catch the ruby gaze of the pack Lead. "Ichika is the first pack I have met that has the structure of the Nomads. But... it does not move? It claims an area?" Her already erect ears drew forward still, her front tipping forward as well as if pulled by the lure of intrigue. "You must have defenders, guardians like the Exultare." She looked to Nayru hopefully. "They are strong?"


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