It Began with a Seed | [Join]
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The lady explained the ways of their warriors and Nayru felt more at ease. If one shared their line of defense than it was more acceptable to share her own. And Nayru was pleased that from the sound of it the Nomads only acted in defense, rather than offense. Dahlia's history of bloodlust was one reason Nayru had made the decision to abandon the pack. It may have been their home once, but the Dahlians didn't have to live under such a shadow forever. There had been a brighter future waiting for them and Nayru believed few of them would deny that now.

When X'yrin had finished her explanation Nayru nodded, and then perked her ears forward as another question fell from her lips. She wished to meet with the warriors? There were only a few, and even so Nayru felt uncomfortable calling them forth for such an impromptu meeting. And yet, she was an Ichikan and a warrior too, although she did not hold a rank specifically saying as much. Had she been knocked down from Jiryu there would be no other place for her except in the Envoy class.

"I am one of them." That was true enough. "The others, I am not sure what they are doing now." Whatever they were doing, Nayru did not feel it right to interrupt their day just then. "Perhaps you can meet with them another time." Nayru could tell them of the lady's interest, she doubted any of the three kind hearted canines would deny an audience with X'yrin. "Or if you'd like, you could stay here, for a while at least, and meet with them?" Why not? Offering a place to stay, even if only temporary, was within her right. It was within the right of any Ichikan really, and Nayru would have liked if the others made greater effort to make a show of Ichikan hospitality.


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