I'm signing out again and again and again

kort og rart, meg vera tløttle

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Colibri had not really done anything when Mew had trashed about on the floor, stained red and attempting to give birth to her already dead children. It had been horrible, but she had done very little but to scream out for the herbalist and donate blood while in shock. It had been no other option to pick, because Mew was her own flesh and blood, and no matter what ever would happen, she would mean the world to the white mother. Haku still held a spot in her heart, but the Haku she knew was dead, and the one she saw through his eyes was a monster she refused to see as the son that she had once given birth to.

A sad smile was given to the three year old female in front of her. I have something to tell you,. Her smile faded like the last leaf on the dying tree before winter. I will leaving for a while, Mew. She was failing her lovely daughter once again. No, this time things would be better. I wont leave you though, I will not disappear again. Hopefully..


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