We're going' at it tonight



Her touch was soft; it was a touch that no other had been able to place on him. She saw past his physical ugliness, to see what lay in his heart. The warmth and happiness that Noah had in his heart for her. Her lick made his nose twitch up as he looked at her, with a chuckle as she giggled.”I’ll get you!” He threatened her as he licked his lips with a huff.
The male looked away with shame when she touched his stub of an arm, she might be able to look past that injury and still love him like he was still fully intact. Though there was something about already having so many issues that the missing leg was only another thing that he hated about him-self.

The male took his free hand moving it to wrap around her waist to hold her against him, and he couldn’t help but to sigh ever so content like. The Sawtooth male felt like the richest being in all of the lands. The male had his love, in his arm. That touch of her hand upon his face, he couldn’t help but to nuzzle his face into the lady’s hand, his way of letting her know that he loved any and all time that they were able to share.

Watching the lady move away the male was only hoping that she was not leaving him to go back to work this early. Though, if she was leaving Noah, the male would sadly understand. Watching her finger grab the bottle, and then open it with her teeth. Noah couldn’t help but to cringe thinking of her hurting her teeth by opening the bottle.
The male placed his hand up passing on the bottle of wine, he vowed as a young pup that he would not fall to the demons that his father had. Noah really wasn’t that old but, so far he was able to live a wonderful life without the aides that his father had always turned to. To Noah that was a mark of a real man, one that could live in life and deal with its up’s and down, and do not find the need to turn to a bottle or find help in a drug either.

Sure do. The male spoke with a hint in his voice with a laugh. He had plans to make her scream and call out his name. He blew upon her ear, with a half grin upon his face. The male had plans to just enjoy being around her and pick and poke at her in a loving, but fun way the rest of the evening to ensure that she knew that she was loved by him, and she was the only one he wanted in his life.


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