Show me your teeth.

Ataxia emitted a squeaky snarl and reared up, her forelegs swinging for a moment in the air as if she was a wild stallion. When her feet collided with the ground, they hit the owl pellet with sufficient force to crack it. Her nose lowered to sniff at the newly broken refuse of the avian, eager to find what it had eaten. She smelled mouse in the bones that were within, as well as the remnant pieces of fur. The small girl huffed as she pawed at the broken pieces, nosing around to see what else there was to be scented. Of course the smell of the owl's innards was intense as well, because it was coughed up bits of what it couldn't digest. It didn't concern her to be poking at it, because she was young and she wasn't even aware of "bacteria" or other hazards that might come from prodding at refuse.

When she was satisfied that she had sniffed everything she could from the pellet, she lifted her head to look around with bright blue eyes. The color around her pupil had started to brighten into the sharp gold that would someday dominate the entire iris. She hadn't noticed because she didn't look at herself, but her mother had remarked upon it. Ataxia hadn't understood the importance - it was just an eye color after all - but she had thought it was interesting. Her actual aim upon leaving the home den today had been to find a pool of water where she could gaze at herself. Although Eris had a mirror, the girl didn't like to use it as much. Since she had no Optime form because she was so young, it was a clumsy thing to maneuver. Her mother would be highly disappointed if she broke it. So instead, she used water for her reflective surface.

This mission was remembered now that she had sated her curiosity about the owl pellet. With a little huff of approval to herself, she set off in the direction of the closest water source. Determined to see what all of this "your eyes are turning gold" business was about.


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