Ain't No Sunshine
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The scent filled the manor, a familiar and warm smell that the almost four-year-old male had not smelt in many years. It was eerie to think that she was back, that she had been for a good week or more. Sitting in his room he dreaded the moment she would come knocking, as he was sure she had already. It was strange hiding from your own mother but the mere thought of the snowy white lady caused Jazper to digress. She had no right to come home after all this time. Where had she been when he became mated with Ghita? When his first litter was born? Or his second? Where had she been through his entire adulthood? Yet here she was living in the manor after almost three years. He was angry with her but could not find it in his heart to confront the lady he had loved so dearly because she was his mother regardless of her absence.

It was that guilt that drove him to stand, to leave his room, sniff the air and follow the trail. It was time, he supposed. He had almost lost his daughter and now more than ever he needed a mother to guide him. For many days now he had been thinking about the war, how he could have stopped it. It would be impossible to stop a war by yourself unless you had an army behind you. Crimson Dreams was numbers and each wolf had their own skill but there were so few fighters here. Tomorrow he would head out to find Anann and ask her help but for tonight he was determine to inform his mother of all that she had missed in his life.

Would she even recognize him? He had grown so large, matured and gained many scars in her absence. Perhaps the most noticeable difference was the large scars which lay across is chest, visible with his open shirt. He certainly wasn’t the shy young man he had once been. Now he was Jazper Rhiannon-Knight father, warrior, and lover. White pelt catching his yellow eyes the Knight stopped. “Mom.”


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