
His easy enthusiasm was appealing, and infectious. 'Sure, anytime!' she offered magnanimously when he suggested the sharing of her trap crafting knowledge. Surreptitiously she eyed him once more, fascinated by the ways he differed from his father as well as the similarities, wondering about the missing link that she would never set eyes on. Her own mother was named, queried, and she nodded, causing hair to fall into her eyes. She swished it back in a prove swing, jawline lifting. 'Boy you'd better watch out - you're in the presence of a D'Angelo!' A small noise of merriment chased these words, as if mocking her own pomposity and she nudged a bird further along its spit, blissfully unaware of his feelings towards Naniko, and his father's new occupation as surrogate parent. She was steadfastly not considering the subject too deeply herself. Changing tack felt like a good idea. 'How's life been treating you then, in these caves of ours? Quite a concept, huh!'


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